K-Kids is the elementary school branch of Kiwanis International, an international community service organization dedicated to helping children worldwide. Working under the auspices of a sponsoring Kiwanis Club and an adult advisor, K-Kids members learn to work cooperatively to identify and carry out community service projects.
It is customary for every Kiwanis youth program to have a Kiwanis advisor from the sponsoring Kiwanis Club and a faculty advisor from the school. Ms. McDermott is our Kiwanis Advisor as she is a longtime member of our sponsoring Kiwanis Club, the Kiwanis Club of Tysons. K-Kids membership is open to students in Grades 2-6 and annual dues are $3 per student. K-Kids club members elect their own student officers and meet (with their advisors) once a week. Throughout the school year, Pinecrest K-Kids participate in a variety of community service projects, such as: